Thursday, January 31, 2008

God Bless California

The vending machine has come a long way since the days when the only things could could buy out of them were sodas, candy bars, condoms and cigarettes(all essentials for a great night). So the state that pretty much started the legalized the use of marijuana has introduced and new method of keeping stoners...well...stoned. The marijuana vending machine was designed by twenty nine year-old lawyer Vincent Mehdizaden who owns Health Nutrition Center where the vending machine is located. Mehdizaden designed the machine to make it easier for customers to get what they need and get out without any hassles. Don't think that you're going to be able to stick your arm up inside the machine and score a free nickel bag (you know you robbed the vending machines when you were in high school you thief), the machine is heavily armored and has a few security features in place. It requires users to have an identification card and a biometric finger print scan to fill their prescriptions. The city of Los Angeles has no problem with the machine since it has been legal to have marijuana with a doctors recommendation since 1996, but as far as the federal government is concerned it is illegal to smoke grass in the US period. For the time being getting stoned will be as easy as buying a soda, which would be a good thing to do after you do score your nickel. One can only wonder what's next for the vending machine world, maybe one that dispenses porn (fingers crossed).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats a pretty dope idea. I hope other states recognize what has happened.