Friday, February 8, 2008

Join The Mile High Club In Phoenix

Unless your afraid of heights you all now that , you've always and to get your freak on in a airplane. You know first she goes into the cramped lavatory and then you inconspicuously follow her. You two fidgeting around trying to find a position that works in the cramped space all the while trying not to be too loud , and before you know it you foots covered in blue toilet water and the flight attendants are pounding down the door.......

Well now there is a service in phoenix called MileHighAZ were for $600/hr you can take your lady up in a modified airplane and shag til your hearts content. The seats have been changed to a bed setup in a theme that the owner calls “retro lounge jazz club” . The price might seem a little steep to live out your fantasy but this would make one hell of a Valentines Day gift. Of course i have a nasty habit of kicking her out of the bed when I'm done so don't know how that would go......

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